[Day14] Read Rust Atomics and Locks - Thread Parking and condition variables

by Mara Bos

From: Waiting: Parking and Condition Variables

To: Condition Variables

At Topics: Chapter 1. Basics of Rust Concurrency


  • std::thread::scope: It allows us to spawn threads that cannot outlive the scope of the closure we pass to that function, making it possible to safely borrow local variables.
  • MutexGuard: it represents the guarantee that we have locked the mutex.


When data is mutated by multiple threads, there are many situations where they would need to wait for some event, for some condition about the data to become true.

For example, if we have a mutex protecting a Vec, we might want to wait until it contains anything.

At this point, we need thread parking or condition variables

Thread Parking

  • std::thread::park()
  • A thread can park itself, which puts it to sleep
  • Another thread can unpark the parked thread, waking it up from its nap
  • Unpark requests don’t stack up: Calling unpark two times only has one time's effect
  • The request to unpark is recorded, even if it is called before the thread parks itself

Use std::thread::current() or JoinHandle returned by spawn of the the parked thread and call unpark()

Warning: park() does not guarantee that it will only return (wake up) because of a matching unpark() (spurious wake-ups, 虛假的喚醒)

Here is an simple example:

use std::sync::Mutex; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { let que = Mutex::new(VecDeque::new()); thread::scope(|s| { // consuming thread let t = s.spawn(|| loop { let item = que.lock().unwrap().pop_front(); if let Some(item) = item { dbg!(item); } else { // it’s important that we only park the thread if we’ve seen the queue is empty thread::park(); } }); // Producing thread for i in 0.. { que.lock().unwrap().push_back(i); t.thread().unpark(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } }); }

Condition Variables

  • Two basic operations: wait and notify
  • std::sync::Condvar
  • Condvar only works when used together with a Mutex
  • Besides, normally, a Condvar is only ever used together with a single Mutex.


// source: https://github.com/m-ou-se/rust-atomics-and-locks/blob/main/examples/ch1-12-condvar.rs use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::sync::Condvar; use std::sync::Mutex; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { let queue = Mutex::new(VecDeque::new()); let not_empty = Condvar::new(); // it contains two threads thread::scope(|s| { s.spawn(|| { loop { let mut q = queue.lock().unwrap(); let item = loop { if let Some(item) = q.pop_front() { break item; } else { q = not_empty.wait(q).unwrap(); } }; drop(q); dbg!(item); } }); for i in 0.. { queue.lock().unwrap().push_back(i); not_empty.notify_one(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)); } }); }


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