[Day18] Read Rust Atomics and Locks - Atomic Compare-and-Exchange Operations

by Mara Bos

From: Compare-and-Exchange Operations

To: Example: Example: Lazy One-Time Initialization

At Topics: Chapter 2. Atomics


Fetch-and-Modify Operations

  • fetch_add and fetch_sub implement wrapping behavior for overflows

    overflow: Incrementing a value past the maximum representable value

    wrapping: Make the overflow be the minimum representable value

  • There are three common solutions to prevent overflows: std::process::abort, fetch_sub to decrement the counter again before panicking, compare-and-exchange operations (the only truly correct one)

Lazy Initialization

use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64; fn get_x() -> u64 { // X is Allocated once and persist throughout the entire program's execution static X: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0); let mut x = X.load(Relaxed); // only the first thread runs at the first time if x == 0 { x = calculate_x(); // calculate 0 X.store(x, Relaxed); // make it available for future use } x }
  • Better to work with std::sync::Once and std::sync::OnceLock


  • Compare-and-Exchange checks if the atomic value is equal to a given value, and only if that is the case does it replace it with a new value (as a single operation)
  • compare_exchange_weak: Similar to compare_exchange, but the difference is that the weak version may still sometimes leave the value untouched and return an Err, even though the atomic value matched the expected value.
  • We could use Compare-and-Exchange to implement all the other atomic operations by putting it in a loop to retry if it did change


use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed; // simulate fetch_add() fn increment(a: &AtomicU32) { let mut current = a.load(Relaxed); loop { let new = current + 1; // current: is expected to be same as a.into_inner() // new: a.into_inner() to udpate match a.compare_exchange(current, new, Relaxed, Relaxed) { // If `a` was indeed still the same as before, it is now replaced by our new value and we are done. Ok(_) => return, // another thread must’ve changed it in the brief moment since we loaded it Err(v) => current = v, } } } fn main() { let a = AtomicU32::new(0); increment(&a); increment(&a); // into_innter(): Returns the inner value, consuming the `AtomicU32` assert_eq!(a.into_inner(), 3); }

Example: ID Allocation Without Overflow

Look at this example: allocate_new_id() may cause to overflow

// improve needed fn allocate_new_id() -> u32 { static NEXT_ID: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0); NEXT_ID.fetch_add(1, Relaxed) }

And we have learned to use Compare-and-Exchange to implement all the other atomic operations by putting it in a loop. Therefore, it is possible to solve overflow issue in this way:

fn allocate_new_id() -> u32 { static NEXT_ID: AtomicU32 = AtomicU32::new(0); let mut id = NEXT_ID.load(Relaxed); loop { // we check and panic before modifying NEXT_ID assert!(id < 1000, "too many IDs!"); match NEXT_ID.compare_exchange_weak(id, id + 1, Relaxed, Relaxed) { Ok(_) => return id, Err(v) => id = v, } } } fn main() { // Do not need to worry about overflow now for _ in 0..=u32::MAX { allocate_new_id(); } }
  • There is a method called fetch_update and it is equal to load + loop + compare_exchange_weak
    // we could implement our allocate_new_id function with a one-liner NEXT_ID.fetch_update(Relaxed, Relaxed, |n| n.checked_add(1)).expect("too many IDs!")

Example: Lazy One-Time Initialization

  • While Lazy Initialization is for a runtime constant (the same result each time), Lazy One-Time Initialization is for a value getting initialized to a different value each single run of the program. Eg. a randomly encryption key which needs to be unique every time the program is run, but stays constant within a process.
fn get_key() -> u64 { static KEY: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0); let key = KEY.load(Relaxed); if key == 0 { // We only generate a new key if KEY was not yet initialized let new_key = generate_random_key(); // We replace `KEY` with our newly generated key, but only if it is still zero. match KEY.compare_exchange(0, new_key, Relaxed, Relaxed) { Ok(_) => new_key, // lost the race, use the key from KEY instead Err(k) => k, } } else { key } }
  • Better to work with std::sync::Once and std::sync::OnceLock


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