[Day21] Read Rust Atomics and Locks - Happens-Before Relationship

by Mara Bos

From: The Memory Model

To: The Memory Model

At Topics: Chapter 3. Memory Ordering


The Memory Model

Q: Why we need the memory model?

A: The different memory ordering options have a strict formal definition. To avoid being tied to the specifics of particular processor architectures, it is defined based on an abstract memory model.


The memory model does not talk about a concrete computer behavior. Instead, it only defines situations where one thing is guaranteed to happen before another thing and leaves the order of everything else undefined (aka. happens-before relationships).


The basic happens-before rule is that everything that happens within the same thread happens in order. Eg, if a thread is executing f(); g();, then f() happens-before g().

Between threads, happens-before relationships only occur in a few specific cases:

  • Spawning and joining a thread
  • Unlocking and locking a mutex
  • Through atomic operations that use non-relaxed memory ordering.
  • Relaxed memory ordering is the most basic and most performant memory ordering.
  • Relaxed memory ordering never results in any cross-thread happens-before relationships.


use std::sync::atomic::AtomicI32; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed; use std::thread; static X: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0); static Y: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0); fn a() { // it has happens-before relationship in a() X.store(10, Relaxed); Y.store(20, Relaxed); } fn b() { // it has happens-before relationship in b() let y = Y.load(Relaxed); let x = X.load(Relaxed); println!("{x} {y}"); } fn main() { thread::scope(|s| { // it does not have happens-before relationship between a nd b s.spawn(a); s.spawn(b); }); }

The code above tells us two things:

  1. All 0 0, 10 20, 10 0, 0 20 are valid outcomes, even though 0 20 will never happen in this case
  2. From the perspective of the thread executing b, operations in a might happen in any order

Spawning and Joining

  • Spawning a thread creates a happens-before relationship between what happened before the spawn() call, and the new thread
  • Joining a thread creates a happens-before relationship between the joined thread and what happens after the join() call
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicI32; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed; use std::thread; static X: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0); fn main() { X.store(1, Relaxed); // this operation always runs before `spawn` let t = thread::spawn(f); X.store(2, Relaxed); t.join().unwrap(); X.store(3, Relaxed); // this operation alwats runs after `join` } fn f() { let x = X.load(Relaxed); // the assertion here never fails // But we do not know whether load or store(2) will go first, so x can be either 1 or 2 assert!(x == 1 || x == 2); }


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